The Creative LifeBook
The Creative LifeBook, a collaborative book featuring the work of 67 artists, authors, thought leaders, wellness experts, coaches, and creative entrepreneurs, was published on April 5, 2023. The book is available on Kindle and in softcover later in April. Carol MacConnell is one of the contributing artists in the book. Best selling author of the Secret, Joe Vitale, wrote the foreword for this book.
The Creative LifeBook is a celebration of creativity and collaboration.
The Creative LifeBook is a must-read for anyone who is interested in adding more creativity into their life. It is a beautiful and inspiring book that will motivate you to create your own masterpieces.
Carol MacConnell will also be hosting a book signing for the Creative LifeBook during her Second Annual Artini party on April 28th, 2023 which will be held in her studio at the Pendleton Art Center from 5 pm to 9 pm. MacConnell is also the featured Artist of the Month for the Final Friday event held at the Pendleton.
To purchase the book, go to Amazon.